It's safe to say that I sucked it up at doing the 30 day challenge. Maybe if it wouldn't have gotten a little silly after the second day I would have been more interested in doing it. My apologies for not committing.
Not bashing today folks :) Well, maybe myself.... but then I'm patting my back.
At some point in time people have to grow up. For instance, the moment I saw "pregnant" on the EPT test I knew my life was about to go wild. No more shopping for clothes, spending ridiculous amounts of money on purses (though Coach will always have my heart), pretending I'd be young forever.... it halted. Not saying I embraced the idea of motherhood in that instant. It took me about 4-5 months to really realize that this kid was coming whether I was ready or not. So I put my big girl panties on a started on the road to "growing up".
I think I would still be trying to figure out who I am going to be and what I'm going to do if it wasn't for Baby B. The next few years of my life are going to be rough but I've got an amazing support team. Now instead of online shopping for me I'm online shopping for her (if I go to the actual stores I walk out with something). If it wasn't for her I would probably be driving around in a new Honda Pilot (I really love those things). However, my Xterra is just fine and the safety ratings on it are good too :). I can't very well be a good mother to her if I'm too concerned with my own selfish wants because she comes first. I know my end goal, it's to be Bryn's mother.
I admire this!